2015 conferences you don't want to miss
We asked our students which events they look forward to each year and compiled a roundup of 2015’s conference selection for technology and communication professionals.
High Five from Triangle AMA
Where Marketing & Creative Meet
February 25-26 | Raleigh, N.C.
Description: This conference brings you — the marketer, strategist, communicator, designer, creative director, product manager, developer, writer — actionable and innovative insights from the talent and vibrant creative community of the Triangle.
http://www.highfiveconference.com/2015 | Follow @TriangleAMA and #High5Conf
SXSW Interactive 2015
March 13-17 | Austin, Tx.
Description: This annual event features the best and brightest in emerging tech, cross-industry networking events, and an exciting lineup of new ideas and startups from the digital community.
http://sxsw.com | Follow @sxsw and #SXSW2015
2015 NAB Show from National Association of Broadcasters
Where Content Comes to Life
April 11-16 | Las Vegas, Nev.
Description: With the NAB Show, the National Association of Broadcasters provides information about all things television, radio, and next-generation content.
http://www.nabshow.com | Follow @nabshow and #nabshow
Digital Marketing for Business
May 12-14, 2015 | Raleigh, N.C.
Description: DMFB is for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing managers, consultants, developers, designers, and multimedia producers who want to learn from and become part of the marketing solutions movement.
http://digitalmarketingforbusiness.com | Follow for @digital4biz and #DMFB15
Social Media Strategies Summit
June 9-11 | New York, N.Y.
Description: This summit provides you with relevant case studies, interactive workshops and engaging sessions to boost social media marketing that furthers your company’s business goals.
http://socialmediastrategiessummit.com/new-york-2015 | Follow @SMS_summit and #SMSSummit
2015 Nonprofit Marketing Conference from American Marketing Association
July 13-15 | Washington D.C.
Description: This conference is about how nonprofit organizations achieve success through innovative and effective marketing strategies and tactics.
http://www.ama.org/events-training/Conferences/Pages/2015-Nonprofit-Mark... | Follow @AMA_Marketing and #AMANP
An Event Apart
The design conference for people who make websites.
August 10-12 | Washington, D.C.
Description: An Event Apart is an intense learning session for web designers who care about code + content, and usability + design.
http://aneventapart.com/event/washington-dc-2015 | Follow @aneventapart and #aeadc
ONA15 from Online News Association
Sept. 24-26 | Los Angeles, Calif.
Description: The conference for journalists who want to learn about new tools, techniques and technologies and to examine developments and challenges in the industry.
http://ona15.journalists.org | Follow @ONA and #ONA15
2015 Public Relations and Marketing Seminar from NCPRSA
The Business of PR and Marketing
October 22 | Raleigh, N.C.
Description: This year’s seminar brings national-level speakers and PR and marketing pros from our state together to talk the business of doing business.
http://ncprsa.org/content.php?page=PR_Marketing_Seminar | Follow @ NCPRSA
2015 International Conference from Public Relations Society of America
November 8-10 | Atlanta, Ga.
Description: This annual conference focuses on techniques, trends and technologies that help public relations professionals lead in today's evolving business environment.
http://www.prsa.org/Conferences/InternationalConference | Follow @PRSA and #prsaicon