Start Here / Never Stop Podcast: Jess Clark '15 (M.A.)

Jess Clark '15 (M.A.) is WUNC's Fletcher Fellow for Education Policy Reporting. Her reporting focuses on how decisions made at the North Carolina General Assembly affect the state's students, families, teachers and communities.
Clark graduated in 2015 with her master's degree from the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media. As a graduate student, she was lead writer and managing editor for, a special multimedia report on North Carolina’s hog industry from UNC’s award-winning series, "Powering A Nation."
Her broadcast experience comes from working as a reporter and producer for "Carolina Connection," a student-produced radio newscast from the Hussman School, where her work received multiple national awards.
She has also interned with the production team for WUNC's "The State of Things" and reported for WCHL on local schools and state policy, among other issues.
When she's not reporting, Jess is singing second soprano in the Choral Society of Durham, searching for taco trucks or dreaming of her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.
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