MJ Day — Washington, D.C.

Monday, June 27, 2016 (All day)

Washington, D.C.

About MJ Day — Washington, D.C.

Join the Hussman School in Washington, D.C., for MJ Day on Monday, June 27 — a day for Hussman School students and alumni in and around D.C. to come together. The Sharoky family will be joining representatives from the Hussman School, as well as current and former Sharoky Fellows, for lunch and time to explore the Newseum. An alumni reception will follow in the evening for current Hussman School students interning in the D.C. area for the summer, as well as alumni living or working in and around D.C.

Sharoky Fellows reunion

(Sharoky Fellows only)

Current and past Hussman School Sharoky Fellows are invited to a lunch on Monday, June 27, with Dr. Mel Sharoky and Ms. Alexias Sharoky.

The lunch will be from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Newseum. Fellows are welcome to tour the Newseum after the lunch.

Fellows should RSVP to Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Relations Robin Jackson at [email protected] or (919) 843-2026 by Friday, June 17.

Whether you attend or not, you can celebrate the occasion by making a contribution to the Sharoky Foundation Fund to foster career development for future Hussman School students through the fellowship program in the Washington, D.C., area.

Alumni and student reception

Join us for an alumni reception on Monday, June 27, from 6-8 p.m. with current Hussman School students interning in the D.C. area for the summer, as well as alumni living or working in and around D.C. This is a casual gathering with hors d‘oeuvres and a cash bar.

Dean Susan King, Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs Wendy Borman, Director of Career Services Jay Eubank and Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Relations Robin Jackson will be the administrators in attendance.

The reception will be held from 6-8 p.m. at Hill Country Barbecue.

Students and alumni should RSVP to Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Relations Robin Jackson at [email protected] or (919) 843-2026 by Thursday, June 23.


If you have not received a Paperless Post invitation via email to either the student and alumni reception or the Sharoky Fellows reunion by June 10, please contact Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Relations Robin Jackson at [email protected] or (919) 843-2026.

  • Sharoky Fellows should RSVP to Robin Jackson for the Newseum lunch by Friday, June 17.
  • Students and alumni should RSVP to Robin Jackson for the evening reception by Thursday, June 23.


Noon – 1:30 p.m.

Current and past Hussman School Sharoky Fellows are invited to a reunion lunch with the Sharoky family. A tour of the Newseum will follow the lunch.

The Newseum is located at 555 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001.

6 – 8 p.m.

On Monday evening, all D.C. students and alumni are invited to join the Hussman School for a D.C. alumni reception.

The reception will be held at Hill Country Barbecue, located at 410 7th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.

About the Sharoky Fellowship Program

Through a generous donation from the Sharoky Family Foundation, students are each awarded a $3,500 summer fellowship to assist with living expenses while participating in an internship opportunity in Washington, D.C. The remaining funds from the Sharoky family's gift are used to underwrite enrichment and networking events held during the summer for the Sharoky Fellows and other students interning in the area.

In 2016, 12 students were chosen for the Sharoky Fellowship Program:

  • Jun Chou
  • Andrew Goins
  • Lanier Gray
  • Victoria Mirian
  • Doni Holloway
  • Brittany Mayes
  • Annette McDermott
  • Alexa Papadopolous
  • Jessica Porter
  • Cara Schumann
  • Hannah Webster
  • Mikala Whitaker

About the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

The Hussman School Office of Development and Alumni Affairs keeps in touch with alumni and friends to keep them informed of opportunities to stay involved with the Hussman School. The office also seeks gifts from alumni, friends, corporations and foundations to keep the school competitive with peer institutions.

Students and alumni are encouraged to utilize the online alumni directory, which is useful as a networking tool and allows users to search by class year, geographic region and other means to locate alumni.

The office also works with MJ Career Services on spring and fall break trips for students to network with alumni working in media and journalism professions in major U.S. cities.

The development team works to keep alumni informed about and involved with regional networking opportunities. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and programs.

Learn more

For more information, contact Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Relations Robin Jackson at [email protected] or (919) 843-2026.