Start Here / Never Stop Podcast: Covering Marginalized Communities: Stories From the Field

This special edition Start Here / Never Stop Podcast presents a panel discussion around an important topic within the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media — how to tell the stories of diverse cultures and communities with sensitivity and respect.
Often, reporters work on stories in communities that are unfamiliar and unlike what the reporters have experienced. It’s a challenge our student journalists encounter, and a topic student leaders raised for discussion in the school.
Convened and moderated by Dean Susan King, a panel discussion with Hussman School Associate Professor Paul Cuadros, former News & Observer columnist Barry Saunders, student journalist Maryam Mohamed '19 and NPR radio reporter Leoneda Inge provided deep insights and perspectives at a public event held during the Monday, Nov. 19, 2018, "MEJO 101: The Media Revolution: From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg and Beyond" course meeting.
Check out more Start Here / Never Stop Podcast episodes at