Hussman students juggle graduate work and jobs at Carolina

Don't miss The Well's feature on students juggling graduate degrees and jobs, including Hussman online master's students and communications pros Kasha Ely ’14 and Jack Rodenfels. They talk about their experiences as Hussman grad students and how the program has helped them in their jobs at Carolina.
Ely said of the experience: “I started at the Odum Institute as a videographer with a small project five years ago, then got the opportunity to build Odum’s communications program from the ground up, thanks in large part to my experience in the master’s degree program.”
Rodenfels, assistant marketing director in the Carolina Office for Online Learning, said “I chose the MADC program because it tied to my career aspirations. As a marketer in higher education, I knew I could use the skills from the MADC program and directly apply them to my work."
To learn more about the online M.A. in Digital Communication program for working professionals, visit the MADC home page or sign up for the online info session coming up Dec. 4.